Genre Analysis #1- Article vs Narrative
Genre analysis of four documents
– Two are “scientific” narrative (you will see what I mean when you read)
– Two are logical, scientific communication with empirical data (journal articles)
Answer questions analyzing the composition and effectiveness of expressing the topic of the literature. be substantive and not broad.
what genre conventions comprise scientific narrative (that you noticed)? what genre conventions comprise scientific journal articles? (that you noticed)
(what aspects make the genre “what it is?”)
do these texts work well together to effectively convey the topic/ issue? if yes, how, if no, why not?
do these texts work well independently to effectively convey the topic/issue? if yes, how, if no, why not?
what is the purpose of each document? (please do not be broad with such answers as “to inform readers about pallative care” for example)
who are the audiences for each document? (please, do not be broad with such answers as “anyone who wants to know about pallative care,” for example)
do you think these documents meet the needs of their audiences? explain your answer
what is the level of readability of the scientific journal articles?
Student Sample #1 Genre Analysis homework
- what is done well with each document? what needs revision? what could be improved upon, if anything?
2. what is the purpose of each document?
3. based on what you know about APA/citation necessities, do the genre analysis/article texts do a good job of analyzing the selected articles?
4. do the student produced narratives serve as a good representation of scientific narrative? Why or why not?
Genre Analysis Questions- PSA
what is the purpose of the psa as a genre?
what are the genre conventions of the PSA?
what are some important takeaways in creating the PSA?
what tactics can we include in our content to make PSAs inclusive and accessible to most audiences?
List and explain best practices for engaging underserved populations.
does the psa you viewed effectively meet that purpose? does this psa, as a genre, match the content that you read for homework from the psa links? explain
identify the sustainability issue in the psa, if it has not already been identified. does the psa do a good job of identifying and explaining the issue? explain your answer
who is the intended audience? how can you tell?
what is done well in this psa? what could be revised and why? (if anything) and what/how would you change it?