Diagnostic Essay- Letter to the Instructor

Letter of Introduction for Science Writing (5%)

Letter of Introduction for Science Writing informs readers about your academic goals and course expectations while reflecting on your perspective on writing and communicating science.  Letter must have all conventions of the formal letter genre, including but not limited to- address of origin (you can make this up if you’re not comfortable giving out your address), address of destination (see below for my address), salutation, closing with signature (changing the font to a brush script is fine)

Danielle Carr

City College of New York- English Department

160 Convent Ave

New York, NY 10031

  1. What is your science major, and what are your career goals?
  2. Do you like writing?
  3. Do you consider science writing difficult? Explain
  4. Do you think deciphering science texts is complex or requires a higher level of education to understand? Explain.
  5. Have you ever had to assist a family member or friend with deciphering or communicating (verbal or written) a science-related issue (medical/health/environmental/technology/)? What were some of the challenges, how did you resolve the problem, and what would you do differently moving forward?
  6. Describe how you would communicate a crucial science-related issue to the community you live. Consider the language or ethnic dialect, education, and medium (essay, news brief, poster, radio, TV ad) best for disseminating the information to the people representing your neighborhood.
  7. What are two characteristics of an “articulate” speaker? Do you consider a person having these qualities intelligent? Explain
  8. Describe what you consider a flaw in your writing or speech and what you wish to improve or expect from taking writing about sciences class.
  9. Explain why Standard American English makes science writing more accessible to the general public. There is no right or wrong answer. You do not have to agree, but please explain your response.