Danielle Carr
Engl 21003

Section K (Tu/Thurs 8:00am-9:15am)
Section L2 (Tu/Thurs 9:30am-10:45am)
Section L2 930am Zoom Classroom
This class meets in an online synchronous modality on regularly scheduled days/times (see above) via Zoom. For this course, you will need access to Blackboard, CUNY Academic Commons, and Zoom.
- Blackboard – used for receiving important email notifications, posting assignments, responding to other students’ work, and for grading. Please ensure that your CUNY email address is the primary email listed on your Blackboard account. Instructions for using (1) Blackboard Discussions Forum and for (2) submitting final Assignments for grading: Blackboard Instructions for posting assignments copy
- CUNY Academic Commons – contains all weekly coursework, readings, and recorded lectures. Instructions for creating an Academic Commons account: Creating CUNY Academic Commons Account
- Zoom – I will be using Zoom to record all in-class lectures for students who are absent or need to review the lesson. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-meeting